1. Handling of personal information

    [Compliance with laws and regulations]

    Social Bank Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") publishes this privacy policy regarding personal information (personal information as defined in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003, hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Information Protection Act")) held by "Real Estate Cloud" (hereinafter referred to as "this service") and complies with the Personal Information Protection Act and other related laws, regulations, guidelines, and this privacy policy.

    [Purpose of use]

    This service acquires personal information through fair and appropriate means and uses it within the scope of the "Purpose of use" in [Table 1] below. If personal information other than that shown in the "Type of personal information" in [Table 1] below is acquired, the purpose of use will be notified or announced individually before use.

    [Management of contractors]

    This service may outsource some of the work related to personal information. When outsourcing, we select contractors that are deemed to handle personal information appropriately, and in the outsourcing contract, we properly stipulate confidentiality, conditions for re-outsourcing, and other matters related to the handling of personal information, and we provide necessary and sufficient supervision.

    The main tasks to be outsourced are as follows:

    - Data collection and analysis

    - Development, maintenance, and operation of systems to manage data

    - Delivery of web advertisements and other services using data

    [Provision to third parties]

    We provide personal information (including personal information) shown in "Types of personal information" in [Table 2] below to third parties within the scope shown in "Purpose of use" in [Table 2] below. However, in the following cases, we may handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use specified and publicly announced in advance without obtaining consent.

    ・When required by law

    ・When necessary to protect the life, body, or property of a person, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person

    ・When particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the healthy development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person

    ・When it is necessary to cooperate with a national institution, local government, or a person commissioned by them to carry out duties prescribed by law, and obtaining the consent of the person may hinder the performance of the duties

    [Appropriate acquisition]

    We will not acquire personal information by false or other illegal means.

    [Provision of personal information to a third party]

    When providing personal information, if it is expected that the third party will match the above personal information with information that identifies the customer and acquire it as personal data (as defined in the Personal Information Protection Act), we will provide the above after fulfilling the obligations required by the Personal Information Protection Act.

    [Joint use]

    This service may jointly use personal information when conducting survey distribution, etc. with other companies, etc. In such cases, the purpose of use, items of personal data, scope of users, and person responsible for management will be clearly stated in advance and notified or made public.

    [Responsible person]

    Social Bank Co., Ltd.

    5-15-14 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

    CEO Tomotake Katayama

    Personal information collected and purpose of use

    In this service, the following types of personal information will be used for the purposes shown in [Table 1] below for in-house use, and [Table 2] for third-party provision.

    [Table 1]

    Type of personal information

    Purpose of use

    Method of acquisition

    Personal information of those who have exchanged e-mails or business cards with our company

    (Company name, department name, job title, name, telephone number, email address, and other information on business cards)

    Information on products and services

    Acquired directly from the individual

    Event information

    Sending publications, periodicals, etc.

    Personal information of those who have applied to events that our company will host or exhibit at

    (Company name, department name, job title, name, telephone number, email address, and other application information)

    Implementation of the event you have applied for and contact related to it

    Acquired directly from the individual
    Acquired through provision by a third party (provision based on the individual's consent, etc. from the event organizer)

    Analysis for improving services (surveys, etc. Personal information will be collected separately for surveys, etc. (If a separate policy on the handling of personal information is established, that policy takes precedence)

    Information on products and services

    Information on events other than those for which you have applied

    Sending publications, periodicals, etc.

    Responding to inquiries, requests, complaints, etc.

    Personal information of job seekers

    (Name, telephone number, email address, work history, and other information listed on employment documents)

    Recruitment activities and contact related to them (If a separate policy on the handling of personal information is established for job applications, that policy takes precedence)

    Acquired directly from the individual
    Acquired through third-party provision (employee introductions, etc.)

    Personal information of those who have made inquiries about products and services, or requested various materials such as white papers

    (Company name, department name, job title, name, telephone number, email address, and other form input information)

    Related to products and services Information regarding products and services (not limited to inquiries or requests for information)

    Acquired directly from the individual (inquiry form, etc.)

    Information regarding events

    Information regarding surveys

    Sending publications, periodicals, etc.

    Responding to inquiries, requests, complaints, etc.

    Personal information of those who have responded to surveys

    (company name, department name, job title, name, telephone number, email address, other form input information)

    Information regarding products and services (not limited to inquiries or requests for information)

    Acquired directly from the individual (inquiry form, etc.)

    Information regarding events

    Sending publications, periodicals, etc.

    Information regarding surveys

    Information regarding rewards for surveys

    Responding to inquiries, requests, complaints, etc.

    Personal information of those who have responded to surveys, etc. Personal information

    (company name, department name, job title, name, telephone number, email address, other form input information)

    Response to inquiries, requests, complaints, etc.

    Acquired directly from the individual (inquiry form, telephone, email, letter, etc.)

    [Table 2]

    Type of personal information (including cases where it is evaluated as personal information)

    Purpose of use

    Acquisition method

    Personal information of those who have made inquiries about products and services, or requested various materials such as white papers

    (telephone number, email address, advertising identifier (AAID, IDFA), other form input information)

    Part of the personal information may be provided to the following advertising platforms and used for our company's advertisement delivery on the advertising platforms (specifically, analyzing information such as browsing history and purchase history acquired, and delivering advertisements related to new products and services according to hobbies and preferences. The same applies below.)

    Target advertising platforms: Google, Meta, Twitter, Microsoft, Criteo, LINE, Yahoo, Tiktok, Amazon

    *Hashed data is provided.
    *Ad delivery can be disabled from the opt-out page of each advertising platform.

    Obtained directly from the individual (contact form, etc.)

    Personal information of those who responded to the survey

    (phone number, email address, advertising identifier (AAID, IDFA) and other form input information)

    Part of the personal information may be provided to the following advertising platforms and used for our company's ad delivery on the advertising platforms.

    Target advertising platforms: Google, Meta, Twitter, Microsoft, Criteo, LINE, Yahoo, Tiktok, Amazon

    *Hashed data will be provided.

    *Ad delivery can be disabled from the opt-out page of each advertising platform.

    Obtained directly from the individual (survey form, etc.)

    Safety management measures and continuous improvement

    This service takes necessary measures such as restricting access to information to prevent leakage, loss or damage of collected information and to properly manage other collected information. We will strive to continuously improve the handling of personal information within the company through the establishment of an internal system, continuous improvement of the personal information protection management system, and implementation of overall educational activities.

    Contact information for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, and other inquiries regarding personal information

    In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act, you may request notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, or suspension of provision to third parties of personal information collected by this service. In this case, you may be required to submit documents for identity verification, and you will be required to pay a fee for disclosure. In addition, when disclosing by electromagnetic means, we will disclose by attaching a file in the format specified by our company to an email.

    [Contact information]

    For requests for disclosure or other inquiries regarding personal information, please contact the following.

    Social Bank Co., Ltd. Personal information inquiry contact point

    Contact information:

    Reception hours: Weekdays from 10:00 to 17:00

    Review and revision of this privacy policy

    This privacy policy will be reviewed and revised as necessary. If there are any changes in the handling of personal information already collected due to the revision of this privacy policy, we will follow the procedures prescribed in the Personal Information Protection Act.


    The interpretation and application of the terms of use of this service shall be governed by the laws of Japan, unless otherwise specified. Furthermore, the Tokyo District Court shall be the court of first instance with exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes relating to this service, unless otherwise specified.

    Enacted: February 1, 2023